Title: Volunteer Mentor, Mentors, Inc.
A Mentor with the Mentors Inc. program is a caring, responsible, adult volunteer who serves as a trusted friend and guide to a student from one of San Diego traditional or charter public high schools. S/he helps to ensure that the student develops important academic and life skills, is exposed to new opportunities and a wide array of resources, makes positive life choices, stays in school, and graduates with a plan for pursuing post-secondary education.
Essential Function/Responsibilities
The Mentor’s Responsibility to Protégé
Every volunteer mentor must:
- Be able to commit to spending at least one year in a relationship with a student.
- Spend (5) five hours a month engaged in a mutually agreed-upon activity with their protégés.
- Communicate with their protégés weekly by telephone or email to keep in touch about what is going on in their lives.
- Honor, all commitments made to the protégé and Mentors Inc.
- Be respectful of the protégé’s time, opinions, and decision-making.
- Serve as a positive role model by modeling desirable behaviors³e.g. Patience, tolerance, and reflective listening.
- Be comfortable and able to establish appropriate boundaries with the protégé and his or her family.
- Be encouraging and supportive of the protégé.
- Help the protégé develop a milestone plan for completing high school and going on to college or work.
Responsibility to Mentors- Inc. Program
Every Volunteer Mentor must:
- Check-in with the program staff on the 15th of every month.
- Attend on-going trainings when needed or requested to do so by program staff.
- Complete evaluation surveys as requested by staff.
- Read “Cool Ideas” weekly and encourage protégés to take advantage of the enrichment activities and scholarships offered by Mentors, Inc.
- Recognize role as a mandated reporter and report any problematic issues.
- Be patient and understand the mentoring relationship is a process that takes work and time.
All volunteers must:
- Be 21 years of age.
- Have earned a high school diploma.
- Submit an application, 2 forms of reference, a copy of a photo ID and an auto insurance card.
- Pass a criminal background check and submit a 150-dollar processing fee to help defray the cost
- Successfully complete an interview for a mentor position with Mentors Inc staff member.
- Exhibit a genuine concern for high school aged students.
- Participate and attend Mentor 101 training and periodic mentor support workshops as required.