I have received Jesus Christ as my personal Savior and Lord,
and desire to become an active member and support the
ministries of this church. Therefore I hereby apply for
First Name* |
Last Name* |
Date of Birth |
Home Phone* |
Work Phone* |
Cell Phone |
Address: |
City |
State |
Zip |
eMail: |
Occupation |
Marital Status |
Single |
Married |
Divorced |
Widowed |
Remarried |
Church previously attended (name of church &
city/state) |
Family Members in Your Current Household (Birth date & Relationship ) |
Please write out your personal testimony of how you came to Christ on the back.
Have you been baptized (date)? |
If not, do you wish to be? |
No |
What way(s) do you desire to serve within our church family (based on your interests, abilities, gifts, and time)? |
I have had access to: www.forgivenministries.org (or request from the church office)
copies of the Statement of Faith, Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws and am in full
agreement with them in both word and spirit. As a member of this church, I will abide by
these documents, and seek to fulfill the membership responsibilities to the best of my
ability, and will endeavor to fulfill my responsibilities to the Lord and to His work.